W kolekcji London Celebrates znalazłam wszystko, co potrzeba, poza prywatnymi zdjęciami z przyjaciółmi. Nawet black cab, którą jeden jedyny raz jechałam kiedyś z Victoria Coach Station (pamiętacie te czasy, kiedy do Londynu jeździło się autokarem? bo tanich lotów nie było?).
As soon as I saw the London Celebrates collection, I knew what I wanted to do: a memorial HDF with my late friends from London. In the 1990s, I went to see Leslie and Margaret at Wimbledon practically every year. I spent a wonderful time with them, exploring such corners of London that I would never have discovered on my own.
I found everything I needed in the London Celebrates collection, except for private photos with friends. Even the black cab, which I once rode from Victoria Coach Station for the one and only time (remember those days when you used to go to London by coach? because there were no cheap flights?).